Technical Teaching Equipment for Engineering
TecQuipment is the leading provider of high quality educational equipment for engineering disciplines. The company’s laboratory products are used by students and educators across the world, in over 1500 establishments in more than 100 countries.
Download the TecQuipment Brochure
- Subsonic Wind Tunnels
- Wind Tunnel Packages
- Special Purpose Wind Tunnels
- Supersonic Nozzles
- Supersonic Wind Tunnels
Control Engineering
- Control Engineering Principles
- MATLABĀ®/SimulinkĀ® Control
- Digital Control
- Process Control
Engineering Science
- Work Panel
- Simple Machines
- Mechanisms
- Vibration, Friction & Energy
- Materials Testing
- Forces & Moments
- Engineering Science Packages
- Support Equipment and Ancillaries
Fluid Mechanics
- Pumps and Turbines
- Open Channel Flow
- Flow and Pressure Management
- Hydrostatics and Properties of Fluids
- Vortices and Cavitation
- Pipe Friction and Low Energy Loss
- Hydraulic Bench
- Laminar and Turbulent Flow
- Hydrology
- Nozzles and Jets
- Pipe Surge and Water Hammer
- Flow Visualization
- Modular Fluid Power (Pumps, Turbines and Compressors)
Materials Testing and Properties
- Basic Elastic Properties
- Tensile and Universal Testing Machines
- Impact Testing
- Hardness Testing- Industrial
- Free-Standing Structures Experiments
- Creep Testing
- Stress and Strain Analysis
- Torsion Testing
- Fatigue Testing
- Test Specimens
Statics Fundamentals
- Statics Fundamentals Work Panel
- Statics Fundamentals Experiments
Next Generation Structures
- Structures Platform
- Arches, Bridges & Trusses
- Failure
- Deflections & Stress
- Moments
- Torsion
Theory of Machines
- Friction
- Motion
- Vibration
- Compressors
- Heat Transfer
- Thermodynamics Principles
- Steam
- Temperature
TecQuipment Products
Providing insight, selection, installation, and ongoing support of the latest educational and career technology.
Request a Quote Learn More About TecQuipmentFor more information or to contact Buckeye Educational Systems, your Authorized TecQuipment Reseller, call 800.522.0460 or email info@buckeye-edu.com