Torsion of Circular Sections
This product helps students to understand the torsional elastic properties of circular sections (tubes and solid rods). Students choose from a selection of test rods and fit them between two collet ‘chucks’. They may adjust the distance between the chucks for tests on varying rod length. Each chuck includes pointers that work with the scale on the platform for accurate positioning.
This product includes a set of rods of different metals and a tube for comparison of the elastic properties, dimensions and polar second moment of area (‘J’ value). It also allows the student to vary the effective length of the rods to see how this affects the magnitude of deflection for a given torque.
Learning Outcomes
- Torsion formula
- Rod length and angle of twist relationship
- Rod material and angular deflection—the elastic (shear) modulus (G)
- Rod cross-sectional dimensions and torsion—the polar second moment of area (J)
- Comparison of angular deflection in similar hollow and solid rods
- Mass per unit length and torsional resistance efficiency of tubes compared to solid rods
Key Features
- Fully adjustable chuck positions for increased experiment range
- Includes rods of different material for comparison of shear modulus (modulus of rigidity)
- Includes a tubular (hollow) rod to show the effect of ‘missing’ material, compared to a similar solid rod
- Includes Vernier caliper for rod diameter measurement
- Supplied with a storage tray to keep smaller items safe
- Works with user-friendly software (VDAS®)

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