Subsonic Wind Tunnel
This structure is a compact, free-standing open-circuit suction subsonic wind tunnel with a working section of 300 mm x 300 mm and 600 mm long, allowing students to perform advanced study such as analyzing boundary layers, performing flow visualization and observing velocity in the wake, offering extensive teaching and research functionality.
- Safe, compact, open-circuit suction wind tunnel – a cost effective solution when compared to full-sale wind tunnels
- Additional models and instruments available to extend the range of experiments
- Wind tunnel controls mount on a separate, free-standing instrument frame for ease of use
- Also available as a starter set
Learning Outcomes:
TecQuipment can also supply optional models and instruments to extend experiments, giving:
- Flow past bluff and streamlined bodies with pressure and velocity observations in the wake
- Investigations into boundary layer development
- Influence of aspect ratio on aerofoil performance
- Performance of an aerofoil with flap, influence of flap angle on lift, drag and stall
- Pressure distribution around a cylinder under sub and super-critical flow conditions
- Study of characteristics of models involving basic measurement of lift and drag forces
- Study of the characteristics of three-dimensional aerofoils involving measurement of lift, drag and pitching moment
- Study of the pressure distribution around an aerofoil model to derive the lift and comparison with direct measurements
of lift - Flow visualization
Air enters the tunnel through an aerodynamically designed effuser (cone) that accelerates the air linearly. It then enters the working section and passes through a grille before moving through a diffuser and then to a variable-speed axial fan. The grille protects the fan from damage by loose objects. The air leaves the fan, passes through a silencer unit and then back out to the atmosphere.

Recommended Instrumentation:
- Differential Pressure Transducer
- Basic Lift and Drag Balance
- Three-Component Balance
- Angle Feedback Unit
- Smoke Generator
- Multi-Tube Manometer
Providing insight, selection, installation, and ongoing support of the latest educational and career technology.
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