Redundant Truss
This product helps students to understand the analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate truss structures made from a number of ‘members’ held together by joints at their ends.
Students use textbook equations and methods to predict the forces in each ‘member’, comparing them with the measured results. This helps confirm the reliability of the textbook equations and the accuracy of the experiment results.
Learning Outcomes
- Strain gauges as instruments
- Forces within and deflections of a truss structure that is statically:
• determinate
• indeterminate - Member forces by the method of joints and method of sections
- Member forces by the use of the strain/energy method
- Advantages and disadvantages of both versions of the truss
- Excellent introduction to statically indeterminate structures
- Strain gauge amplifier and multiple strain gauges for measurement of force in each member of the truss
- Simple thumbscrew adjustment for easy engagement of the redundant member
- Supplied with a storage tray to keep smaller items safe
- Works with user-friendly software (VDAS®)

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