Hydrology and Rainfall Apparatus
This structure is for studying hydrology principles, including rainfall, through flow and movement of water over land and rivers.
Learning Outcomes
- Investigation of rainfall/run-off relationships for dry, saturated and impermeable catchments of various slopes (surface run-off only)
- Effect of interflow on outflow hydrograph surface run-off (plus groundwater flow)
- Simulation of multiple and moving storms
- Measurement of cone of depression for a single well, and comparison with theory interaction of cones of depression for two adjacent wells
- De-watering of excavation sites by use of wells
- Flow from a well in a confined aquifer
- Demonstration of watersheds for a simulated island with rainfall and well flows
- Sediment transport and meanders in simulated rivers
- Studies of scour around simulated bridge piers
Key Features
- Permeable catchment area fed with ‘rain’ from overhead spray nozzles and/or by groundwater fl ow from ends of tank
- Spray nozzles to supply half or all of catchment area
- Piezometer tappings to measure water table profile
- Can measure ‘drawdown’ due to single or two interacting wells
- Adjustable inclination of catchment area angle
- Includes flow meter to measure flow to the catchment area
- Run-off and well flows measured by calibrated rectangular weir
- Self-contained – requires only an electrical supply

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