Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers
This product helps students to understand the elastic properties of beams and cantilevers. Students choose from a selection of test beams and fit them to supports.
This product includes a set of beam ‘specimens’ of different metals and cross-section for comparison of the elastic properties and ‘I’ value. It also allows the student to vary the effective length of the beam to see how this affects the magnitude of deflection for any given load.
Learning Outcomes
- Beam bending formula and structural ‘stiff ness’
- Deflection due to point loads and UDLs (uniformly distributed loads)
- How beam fixings affect deflection of:
- Simply supported beams
- Fixed or ‘encastre’ beams
- Cantilever beams
- Propped cantilever
- Shape of a deflected beam
- Beam length and deflection
Key Features
- Selectable beam fixing conditions, with fully adjustable load and deflection measuring positions for increased
experiment range - Includes beams of different material and cross-section for comparison of elastic (Young’s) modulus and Second Moment of Area (‘I’ value)
- High-resolution digital deflection indicator for maximum measurement accuracy
- Includes Vernier caliper for cross-section measurement
- Supplied with a storage tray to keep smaller items safe
- Works with user-friendly software (VDAS®)

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