CT-SCA: Certified Technician – Supply Chain Automation

The purpose of the MSSC Certified Technician-Supply Chain Automation (CT-SCA) program is to prepare technicians who install, operate, support, upgrade, and maintain the automated material handling equipment and systems which support the supply chain.
The CT-SCA program was developed through collaboration with the National Science Foundation-funded National Center for Supply Chain Automation (NCSCA), Material Handling Industry (MHI), Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA), Amatrol, and NOCTI Business Solutions.
The CT-SCA is comprised of three prestigious separate certificates that make up the full MSSC CT-SCA Certification program:
- Certification in Equipment Maintenance
- Certification in Equipment Repair
- Certification in Network Repair
These certifications prepare students for lucrative career pathways within the logistics sector of industry. As with all of MSSC’s certifications, the CT-SCA can reduce recruitment and training costs and improve employee performance and retention at the same time making it ideal for both new and incumbent technicians.
The Skill Boss Logistics hands-on training and assessment device is compact and transportable, can fit easily into any training environment, is cost effective, and shows students a variety of situations that they will come across during their career. Built by Amatrol, Skill Boss Logistics draws upon 100 skills from MSSC’s list of industry-defined and nationally validated CT-SCA Standards. CT-SCA certificants must use this device for the hands-on training and assessments needed to secure any MSSC CT-SCA Certification.