Solar Thermal Installation Learning System

The Solar Thermal Installation Learning System teaches students the installation and commissioning of closed loop and open loop solar thermal systems for commercial and residential applications. Students will learn how to install systems by selecting, preparing, mounting and connecting solar thermal components using copper tubing, PVC piping, and electrical wiring. Students will create and commission complete working systems, just as they would do on the job.

Installation Skills Practice

This learning system provides a platform where students install real world systems using components commonly found in commercial and residential environments. Students selected materials, solder and cut copper tubing, cut and glue PVC pipe, and run wire to assemble working systems, just as they would do on the job.

Interactive Multimedia Curriculum

This system includes interactive, multimedia curriculum that can be used for self-paced student learning or in a traditional class setting as a presentation tool. The interactive, multimedia curriculum uses a competency-based instructional design that teaches industry standard skills. Eye popping graphics, 3D animations, video, audio and complete text explanations combine with strong interactivity to engage students and appeal to a variety of learning styles. Students can practice real world skills at their own pace, speeding overall student learning and retention.

Efficient, Effective, and Safe Training

This workstation has been designed to be an effective, self-contained, and durable learning device. Installation skills are performed quickly and all-inclusive at the workstation with the use of bench-top workspace, table vise, and system installation panel. Silk screened shadow boards provide inventorying for easy access and storage.

Soldered components are supplied with unions and some pre-assembled piping to enable them to be reused by multiple student classes and minimize consumable costs.

This has been designed with safety in mind to give students a safe experience and teach key safety skills. Safety features include: a soldering curtain that can be used in tight spaces to prevent fire; emergency stop pushbutton: automatic shutoff system to prevent overheating of collectors and lockout/tagout.

Solar Thermal Installation Learning System Image

Multi System Capabilities

This system has the unique ability to allow students to specialize in one of or four different applications of solar thermal installation. The base model of this system is designed to teach installation and commissioning of closed loop pressurized solar thermal systems.


Providing insight, selection, installation, and ongoing support of the latest educational and career technology.

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